You may be entitled to help
Caught up in the daily care of a loved-one, many carers remain unaware that they may be entitled to benefits and other help which could make their lives easier, or allow them to enjoy a life outside their caring role.
There are a number of welfare benefits which you may be entitled to as a carer, and the person you care for may also be entitled to benefits.
We can help
Our Carer Support Advisors are familiar with what might be appropriate for you. We can tell you more about your entitlements to benefits and the payments available. We can also help if you’ve been turned down for a benefit.
Please get in touch with us to find out more. Call us on 0303 040 1234 or email [email protected]. You can also text us (SMS) on 07723 486730.
Surrey’s Benefit Guide for Carers
You can read more about all the benefits, the most up-to-date amounts, and how to get further help, in Surrey Welfare Rights’ booklet ‘Welfare Benefits for Carers’.
Thank you very much for your advice re applying for a reduction in Council Tax, following your previous excellent help re Attendance Allowance. Really nice and uplifting speaking with you again.
Further sources of information
Citizens Advice in Surrey can also help with benefits and payments. Either search for your local Citizens Advice office, or you can call our Helpline on 0303 040 1234, and they should be able to refer you directly to CAB.
Read more on benefits and payments on Carers UK’s website
Read more on benefits and payments on Carers Trust website.
The Money Advice Service also has information on benefits and payments for carers.
Some of the main benefits and payments are:
Carer’s Allowance
Carer’s Allowance is the main benefit for carers. If you look after someone for at least 35 hours a week, you may be eligible.
Read more about Carer’s Allowance here.
Attendance Allowance
Does the person you’re caring for receive Attendance Allowance? This is paid to people over state pension age to help with the extra costs of long-term illness or disability. You can qualify regardless of your income or savings, and it can help make life much easier. Receiving Attendance Allowance can be the key to other benefits too, so it’s a good place to start. It’s paid at a standard and higher rate, depending on the circumstances. Older carers may qualify themselves.
Read more about Attendance Allowance here.
Universal Credit
Universal Credit is a means-tested benefit for people on a low income who are in or out of work. It replaces Income Support, income-based JSA, income-related ESA, Housing Benefit, Child and Working Tax Credits.
Full information in Surrey Welfare Rights’ booklet Welfare Benefits for Carers in Surrey.
Housing Benefit
Housing Benefit for new claimants has been replaced by Universal Credit. If you are already receiving it, your caring role can affect it.
Full information in Surrey Welfare Rights’ booklet Welfare Benefits for Carers in Surrey.
Council Tax
Some carers may be entitled to have their Council Tax disregarded, or reduced, depending on their situation and the needs of the person they are caring for.
Full information in Surrey Welfare Rights’ booklet Welfare Benefits for Carers in Surrey.
Help with travel costs
You may be entitled to help with travel costs when getting the person you care for to NHS appointments.
Full information in Surrey Welfare Rights’ booklet Welfare Benefits for Carers in Surrey.
State Retirement Pension
Carers also have rights re their State Retirement Pension.
Full information in Surrey Welfare Rights’ booklet Welfare Benefits for Carers in Surrey.
Also see Carer’s UK’s webpage on pensions.
NHS Health costs
You may also be entitled to help with NHS health costs, eg prescriptions or eye tests. You can see more on Carers UK’s website.
Free school meals
Free school meals
With many people’s income hit by coronavirus and claiming benefits for the first time, you may not be aware that your child – whether you are their parent or guardian – could be entitled to free school meals (not to be confused with universal infant free school meals, which are available to all school children from reception to year 2).
Who is eligible?
If your child is in year 3 or above, you will typically get free school meals if you are claiming one of the main benefits, or if you earn below a certain amount.
How to apply:
Free school meals are run by the Department for Education and administered to schools via local councils. You need to register via your local council, then both you and your child’s school will be notified of your application. See the free checker to find out more.
Discounted broadband
A lot of internet providers have a discounted ‘social tariff’ if you are on benefits. Apparently only 3.5% of those that are eligible actually use one of the tariffs.
‘Social tariffs’ are available to households receiving financial support, such as Universal Credit or Jobseeker’s Allowance, who can’t afford the typical cost of a broadband connection.
Switching can cost, but if you’re receiving benefits, why not find out more.
Company Faster Broadband has all the information including a simple searchable function that shows what’s most relevant depending on which benefits you’re claiming.
You can can also see all the latest information on the Ofcom website.
If u r on universal credit or pension credit you can get £10.00 a month off your monthly wifi bill. This is what Sky have said and done for us.